Monday, April 25, 2016

What I'd say to My Main Character(Quentin)

What I say is to Bilbo is that you need to be ready for anything to happen.You need to be ready for Smaug after all you are in the mountain.I know that you have traveled a long way to get to the mountain.What you need to do is take back the throne and so it can be restored to the king under the mountain. I don't know if Smuag knows you're there but if he does you could be in some trouble.

Make sure you are taking care of the other dwarfs or at least trying.It will be a hard fight between you and the dwarfs against Smaug. What you should do is also take some of the gold from the mountain and take it back to your place just for you.They really don't need that much gold,think of it as your helping them out.But if you do try to take some gold make sure no one else sees you taking the gold.If they do see you try to make up an excuse to get away as fast as you can.

The last thing I want to tell you is that after you go home you and the dwarfs might want to hang out again some time in the future.Maybe some day Gandalf will what you to come back to you.He may even ask you to go on an trip.But all of that is in the future.what you need to do right know is stay away from smaug.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Bilbo needs to be prepared for anything since the unexpected has happened almost everyday. I think that instead of Bilbo watching the dwarves that they should watch him. This is because, the dwarves have had more experience than Bilbo.
