Monday, April 11, 2016

(Abby B.) Impression of Bilbo Baggins

My impression on Bilbo Baggins so far has changed through out the story. At first in the story he is a classy, civil, playing it safe kind of hobbit. Staying in the safety of his home preparing for the future. Now in the story he is brave and daring. Because while most hobbit stay in the safety of their homes, he has began setting out on an adventure unaware of what it has in store. On this adventure he is a burglar and fails at it. It is also entertaining with the fact that he does not really fit in with the group of dwarves.

Bilbo Baggins is a very enjoyable character in this book. He may not be my favourite, but I do like him very much. He does have an attitude that changes multiple times in the story that keeps you wondering what he will do. Sometimes he will be whinny, others he'll be ready for more adventure. It is also very fun because all the dwarves think alike and they will go out doing something and Bilbo will have no clue what is happening. Over all Bilbo is a very entertaining character to read about with both likes and dislikes.


  1. I very much agree with you. Bilbo has kind of grown on me through out the story. You did a great job!!!

  2. I think that bilbo is a hobbit who is out of his league with all of the other dwarfs.I also agree that you don't know what he is going to do next but I also think that he is short tempered.On the dislikes and likes you might want to tell people what the dislikes and likes.

  3. I agree that you think Bilbo has changed a lot. But I think that Bilbo has still kept some of his classy playing it cool parts of him. Bilbo is now though a very brave man and has a can do attitude.
