Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Hobbit Disscussion

In our group, the main things we discussed about was one of my first questions, "Why didn't Bilbo tell them about the ring?" He just found a magic ring on the ground that can turn you invisible that belonged to a crazy, ugly creature that was previously a hobbit. Once when he found his group again, I would have been like, "Hey Gandalf? Will this magic ring make my arms fall off?" And now, in the story, he just kinda forgot that it exists. Also, one of our other questions was "Where is Gandalf?" He kinda left them on one of the most dangerous parts of their mission. He probably knew that they're were going to suffer a little, and decided that he'll just skip that part, and also that he would be another mouth to feed and water when they were out of food. That brought up another question. "How would Gandalf meet up with them?" He has to make it through the giant forest, and going around would take much longer. If he went through it, why didn't he do it with the group? Teleportation? If he could, the whole quest would of been much easier. We said Sure. Why not.

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