Friday, April 29, 2016

Bilbo in Highschool

I think that Bilbo would be that shy student that moves to the Middle Earth High School, but he has a friend there, which would be Gandalf, that tries to introduce him with his other friends. At first, they don't like Bilbo, but as the year progresses on, Bilbo would get less annoying and more likable and stronger. At the end of the year, Bilbo steals a lot of the money they earned from a bank heist to pay off some cops that were on his trail, and then he goes with them for their protection since his old gang leader, Thorin, would "Ice him" if he saw Bilbo's face again.
He would probably turn his work in on time everyday, being afraid of getting in trouble, also trying to stay on his teacher's good side. He would be shy in the start of the year, not knowing anybody, but would become more popular as the year goes on, due to him becoming less of a wimp. This shows us exactly how he progresses in the book, starting as a weak hobbit that has never fought in his life, to a spider killing burglar.

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