Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Hobbit Discussion

Today, Spencer, Carson, Tyson, and I had a discussion about things that were happening in the book. One of the questions that we wondered was "What happened to the disappearing Took's." On chapter 1, it talked about a group of Took's that went on an adventure and never came back and that their family covered it up. We couldn't really find an answer to this question, but we are pretty sure they're dead. Another question brought up was "Why did Bilbo change his mind?" When he saw Gandalf, he was like, "No." He very against going on this adventure, and then all of a sudden, he was like, "Okay let's go." He seemed to change his mind when he was doubted by Thorin and I guess he was prideful.  We had one more decent question, and that was "What happens if you travel off trail in the Misty Mountains?" We don't know since no one comes back to tell the tail, but we assume that they're dead.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting questions and i'll try to answer them. The Took's might be a throwaway detail to add some story to the Shire ( The Shire is where hobbits live). Bilbo changed his mind because the prospect of adventure and doing something was greater than his love of tea. The Misty Mountains are infested with goblins, trolls, orcs, gollum, and the flaming demon monster in old dwarven ruins known as the balrog leaving the mountain friendly as Mt Doom
