Tuesday, April 19, 2016

About J.R.R Tolkien(Nic) (>^-^)>

Our author of our book(The Hobbit) is J.R.R Tolkien. He was born in 1892 and died in 1973. In his lifetime he wrote many great books such as the Lord of the rings, but his earliest one was made in 1922 called A Middle English Read and Vocabulary. People debate about why he wrote the lord of the rings, some say he wanted to entertain his children, but some say he wanted to experiment with new ideas and create a new story.


  1. I was just wondering what you think the reason is for J.R.R Tolkien writing the Lord of the Rings? You said what others thought, but not you did not say your thoughts on this idea. Besides that one question this is great.

  2. I think that all of this is a good start. I would still add even more info.I think you should have talked about his childhood or his education.Still a good start but I would add more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
