Monday, April 11, 2016

My Impression of Bilbo Baggins (Carson H)

Bilbo Baggins is a major character in The Hobbit. I don't think Bilbo really wants to go on the journey with Gandalf and his 13 dwarves to recover their treasure. I have several reasons for this. First, he stated at the beginning that he didn't want to go on an adventure. He said he wanted to stay and have a peaceful evening at his house. When Gandalf said he would have tea on Wednesday with Bilbo, he seemed hesitant to letting Gandalf into his house. When the dwarves came to his house, he also thought that he didn't want them to be there and he just wanted to have a normal day. This tells me he hates doing anything off of the scheduled events, and doing anything different in general. He likes peace and being able to have normal days.
Bilbo! (Image Source)
I like Bilbo because sometimes I can be the same way. I sometimes only like to do what's planned without drifting away from it. I typically enjoy peace and quiet (actually, not that often), but I do like to go on "adventures". I believe J. R. R. Tolkien did this so Bilbo would be more relatable to people themselves. Most people like peace and quiet, but a lot of people also like to go out and explore things. This type of character, therefore, is relatable to both types of readers. So yeah, I guess that's my general impression of Bilbo!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and I liked the way you explained how you relate and how other readers relate. Very well spoken and informative. You also put things in about yourself and not just others which kept your opinion in the character. Well done.
