Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"Bilbo..."(Hailey Madison)

        we need to be more positive. You make me want to throw this book off a cliff. I love you by all means but maybe the cup could be a little fuller instead of empty. We are not all going to die, We  should not go home, We should stay and defeat the dragon like we all know your going to do because you are the beastliest little Hobbit in all of middle earth. You can protect yourselves by running away from the dragon but you must come back and complete the mission. Don't run home like a child would. Your friends believe in you and you should too. If at all possible, lose that nasty temper your friends are trying their best to survive and you are being very rude.
                                               With Love,
                                                                                                             Hailey Madison
                                                                                                           a fascinated reader.


  1. I don't really know how to react to wanting to throw this book off a cliff but I can see where you're coming from, since he does seem to have a personality I find a little bit annoying.

  2. Hailey I am very impressed by your thoughts of this book. Although I wouldn't say that he is like a negative child because if you were battling a dragon I don't think you would be to stoked. At least I wouldn't. This is an awesome letter and I can't wait to see you interpretation of the book as is continues.

  3. I absolutely love the descriptions you added to make your thoughts more....entertaining. I enjoyed this post very much and I also agree that Bilbo needs to lighten up and be more optimistic about his situation.
