Monday, April 11, 2016

Bilbo Baggins-- Impression on me

Bilbo's actions tell me that he is not a very adventurous person, I think this because he tried to back down from the quest the moment the opportunity presented itself. Additionally, he tried to weasel his way out of the quest instead of trying to make the best out of his situation. So far his actions make him seem like a coward and a hermit.

In the first chapter, we learned that Bilbo's habits include eating tons of food, and sleeping lots. We also learned that Bilbo enjoys seed cake, ale, having guests over, and blowing smoke rings high over the hill. However, we also learned that Bilbo doesn't like missing meals, loud noises, and "the big people" as he calls us. Learning what we have as of chapter 3 we can conclude that Bilbo doesn't enjoy leaving his house much because it makes him late for dinner, and is quite dangerous for a creature of his size.

I personally like Bilbo Baggins so far because we share many of the same interests such as eating and sleeping. I also like this character because he is always growing as a person and trying his hardest with his rag-tag team of dwarves and old men. I enjoy how Bilbo attempts at making jokes when he is distressed instead of screaming at people. I think Bilbo Baggins is a great main character in the story and will continue to be as long as he stays true to who he is!


  1. I agree that he is not a adventurous person at first.As the story goes on he finds out that he likes the idea of going on an adventure.I don't agree that there team is bad or rag-tag but only biblo is the rag-tag.

  2. I agree that you think that Bilbo is a adventurous. But through out the story I think he will become a more brave person. I agree that Bilbo is very fat and loves to eat food.
